Scam Alert

Informasi ini kami sajikan untuk para pemasang iklan di internet agar berhati-hati dengan beberapa modus penipuan berikut ini:
Si penipu memberitahu telah melakukan transfer pembayaran uang muka (padahal sebenarnya belum membayar), lalu Anda akan diminta ke mesin ATM untuk mengecek transfer. Setelah itu, si penipu menghubungi customer service bank (komplotannya) untuk menanyakan transfer yang belum berhasil, lalu nanti akan terjadi conference call yang ujung-ujungnya Anda akan dipandu untuk melakukan transfer ke rekening penipu.

Anda menerima SMS yang isinya “Saya Ibu SRY LESTARI mengenai APARTEMEN DISEWAKAN yg kemarin, itu netnya berapa? Tolong hubungi suami saya untuk nego Bpk DANI ANWAR tlp 08128364317

Seseorang tiba-tiba menghubungi Anda dan orang tersebut akan bertanya apakah Anda mengingat dia. Si penipu berharap Anda akan menebak suatu nama yang Anda kenal suaranya. Jika Anda menyebut suatu nama, maka si penipu akan menghubungi Anda kembali dengan menggunakan nama yang Anda tebak.

Email teman Anda dicuri passwordnya, lalu si penipu login dan mengirimkan email kepada Anda. Isi emailnya kira-kira seperti di bawah ini:Hello, How are you? I apologize for having to reach out to you like this, I made a quick trip to Lagos, Nigeria on a mission and had my bag stolen from me with my passport and credit cards in it on my way to the hotel where am staying. I have reported the matter to the police and the police only asked me to write a statement about the incident and directed me to the embassy, I have spoken to the Indonesia High Commission here in Lagos but they are not responding effectively to my matter, so I decided to contact you because I know you had always been kind. Please I want you to loan me some quick funds ($2,000) USD that I can refund you back as soon as I return back home. I just have to pay for a ticket and settle Hotel bills. Unfortunately, I can’t have access to funds without my credit card, I’ve made contact with my bank but they need more time to come up with a new one. I really need to be on the next available flight and Please kindly keep this confidential because I don’t want anyone to get worried about me until I travel back. Hope you understand me. Please kindly look for Western Union office or bank around you to send me the money to my name and address below:Receiver’s name: Santi

Address: No34, bello way, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria

Text question: Receiver’s date of birth?

Answer: 1954.Please remember to email me back after you have sent me the money along with the money transfer details such as MTCN (money transfer control number) and amount sent.Thanks for your help.Best regards,Santi

Seorang pemilik apartemen mengirimkan contoh email yang mencurigakan dan mengarah ke penipuan.

My name is Lizzy, am 25 years old. I am a very tolerant person, down to earth and open minded. I am looking for accomodation, I want to find out whether your rental is still available. Please get back to me with the features and any other extra details i might need to know and also i need to know the deposit (exact amount) that i will be paying before i arrive, I look forward to hearing from you ASAP.Lizzy ( Eka Lim,
Thanks for getting back to me, I do not have any questions for now. I have to take up the place, and am ready to pay $1,000 as the deposit. I will like to pay this to secure the apartment. I will let you know the exact move in date when the deposit must have gotten to you and all arrangements concluded. I really need the place secured because I wouldn’t want to get stranded on my arrival and that is the basis of the payment before my arrival, the former room I was to live in was given out because I did not pay deposit to secure the room. Please you have to make the documents for the lease ready for signing on my arrival.
As regards payment my mom has a client in your area that owes her some money, he has made out payment for the amount he owes my mom before he traveled to China for a business trip, but it is more than your actual deposit I will pay to you. He will have to send the check to you, You will send the balance back to me when you have deducted your deposit, this will take care of my flight ticket and other necessary arrangements before coming. Well I need the name as you want it to appear on the check, the address to send it and your phone number. Please kindly get back to me ASAP. Hope to hear from you soon.

Dari beberapa informasi yang saya baca, modus penipuannya kira-kira seperti ini:

– Penipu akan mengirimkan cek kepada Anda lewat pihak ketiga dengan nilai kelebihan pembayaran.

– Kemudian Anda diberitahu terjadi kesalahan penulisan angka di cek dan diminta mengirimkan kembali cek tersebut.

– Si penipu marah-marah kepada Anda karena cek belum diterima, lalu meminta Anda untuk mentransfer ke dia.

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